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Cabin Cruise Boat
The meaning of Çırnık Boat comes from Bulgarian. Usually refers to small size boats. It is also referred to as a single and solid mast ship or boat with three jib sails, up to two hundred tons....

Black Sea Exchange
Each ship model is unique and unique because it is made by hand. You can buy the Black Sea taka model, which will only be found in you, from Su Üstünde with first quality....

Coast Guard Model
The Coast Guard ship model has a special place in model collections. The Coast Guard ship model, made of wooden material, is prepared with a plastic box with a wooden sub-frame, it is a model ship with every detail elaborated....

Wooden Ship Rudder
Ship rudders are an indispensable part of the decoration of sea lovers. The helm, one of the most important tools of the ship, will adapt to the decoration line of your home in minimal dimensions....

King of the Mississippi Helix Model Ship
A star amongst the steamships of the era, the ship King of he Mississippi was one of the most popular ships. This ship, which is also among the favorites in its model with its rear wheel model, is also a favorite of collectors and lovers of decorative marine products....

Tin Ship Model
An indispensable part of collectors interested in maritime are ship models; It will remind you of the unique taste of the sea by blowing a salty breeze in your homes and living spaces....

USS Constitution Ship Model
An indispensable piece of collectors interested in maritime, the USS Constitution Ship Model will remind you of the unique taste of the sea by blowing a salty breeze in your homes and living spaces....