What To Do When You Fall Down to the Sea

What To Do When You Fall Down to the Sea

No matter how well people know how to swim, sometimes, accidents with unwanted consequences may occur. There are things to do and caution, especially when going overboard. Eren Budaklı, Director of the Nautica Goods explains as follows;

  • First of all, when you fall into the sea, you should stay calm and avoid actions that will waste your energy. Since it will not be clear how soon people will come to save you, you should use your existing energy as efficiently as possible.
  • It is very important that you support your body temperature. Because people will be affected by this situation, especially in cold waters, you may become weak after 10-15 minutes.
  • Tighten the neck and arms of your garment so that your body is exposed to as little water as possible.
  • If the weather conditions are bad, turn your back on the wave and prevent water from entering your mouth and nose.
  • Look around calmly and see if there are any life buds or objects you can hold on to. If you find such an object, hold it and wait as still as possible until people find you.
  • If you have a life ring on you, inflate it and try to inflate it extra, this will also protect you from cold.