The Bounty

The Bounty

The Bounty, which was translated into Turkish as a Ship Rebellion, is one of the films released in 1984. It is based on a true-life story. The movie lasts two hours and ten minutes; It entered the categories of adventure, drama, and history. Roger Donaldson is the director of the film. It is among the feature films. Its original language is English.

Summary of the film

An incident on the British royal ship is described. Lieutenant William Bligh is assigned a mission by the British navy. Bligh must go to Tahiti as per his duty. When he got there he should take the seedlings of the labor trees and take them to Jamaica. It is the bitter Bounty of Bligh's ship that set out for this purpose. Her crew members go with her. The ship reaches Tahiti. Fletcher Christian, one of the aides of Captain Bligh, has a relationship with a girl from the locals there. They take the saplings of the labor tree and set off again. Many of the crew members are dissatisfied with Bligh's management. The reason for his dissatisfaction is that Bligh has a despotic character and has strict rules that he wants to be followed on board. It considers great punishments even in very small crimes.

The crew members onboard the ship leaving Tahiti revolt. Thanks to the revolt that began under the leadership of Christian, ship management passed into the crew's hands. One scene of the film is continued by showing the boat, led by Christian, with a scene led by Bligh. Christian returns to Tahiti with the ship he captured and takes the girl he loves. When they set off again, they do not know where to go. They cannot return to England because they have thrown the captain of the ship. Searches for places to go continue for a while. They go to the island of Pitcairn in the Pacific ocean.

The faces of Bligh and his men remained in difficult conditions in the wound. The amount of food is gradually decreasing. This team continues their journey and reach East Timor. This place is located within the Dutch territory.

After this information, the movie returns to the starting scene. In this scene, Bligh is on trial by the British naval court. Such back and forth scenes are often shown in The Bounty. The purpose of the court is to put mid-flight on whether Bligh is guilty of kidnapping the ship. Bligh is acquitted at the end of the movie. At the end of the movie, information about Christian's fate is given in the written form.