Sexism in the Seas and Working Conditions of Women

Sexism in the Seas and Working Conditions of Women

Professions have no gender. Every profession can be fulfilled by both women and men. However, some professions are attributed to women and some to men by society. Maritime is a male-dominated sector. Looking at the studies of sexism and women's working conditions in the seas, it is seen that women are subject to a lot of mobbing.

Despite many demotivating factors, from co-workers to their families on board, seafaring women continue to work diligently. Also, every woman working in this sector aims to support the female sailors who come after her. Women aim to provide the necessary support so that women seafarers who come after them do not feel lonely.

Sexism At Sea Starts During School Time

A woman's structure in the industry is not always favorable. Those who enter the maritime high school at the age of 14, unfortunately, frequently encounter negative aspects of the sector. The most difficult thing is that at the very beginning of the road at the age of 14, the school administration told female students that they could not do it for men as women. The psychological pressure unfortunately only starts during the training.

While male seafarer candidates are supported, women are forced to fight this psychology every day. Captain women are not only concerned with these problems. The difficulty of keeping up with the majority of men in their class is beginning to emerge. In the 99 percent male class, women's struggle to prove and be accepted is starting. Men expect women to behave themselves. It is accepted that women are physically weak. This puts women seafarers in their school years in a very difficult situation.

Sailor Women in Professional Life

Women seafarers state that they cannot express themselves in the maritime industry. Of course, regional differences also come to the fore. Finding a place for themselves in the female sailor of the maritime industry in Turkey is a little difficult. For this problem to be solved, the authorities need to take responsibility.

There are no restrictions on female students in any maritime school. However, there are quite a few restrictions when it comes to working life. Few companies do not engage in sexism and support women seafarers. Most companies do not have efforts to improve the working conditions of women seafarers. Despite this, women do very successful jobs in maritime.