Lusitania Sink

Lusitania Sink

When evaluated in terms of history, it is important that the Lusitania Sink. It has greater importance than the fall of the Titanic as it is shown as the reason for America entering World War I. However, despite the fact that many films were shot on the Titanic, the sunset of Lusitania could not be the subject of the films. The biggest reason for this is thought to be sinking in a very short time. 

Lusitania was immersed in water within 18 minutes. 1198 people died on the ship, which had 1959 passengers. The event that caused the death of people in the Titanic is the lack of lifeboats. The obligation to have lifeboats on each ship as much as passenger capacity was brought with that incident. So there were enough lifeboats for all passengers as Lusitania went down. However, the crew could not find the time to launch the lifeboats because they were novices. 

In addition, the fact that the crew, who was experienced, was in the military at the time, and the lifeboats could not reach the sea is another reason. It was aimed to reduce the costs of the ship as it was a war. For this purpose, the speed of Lusitania has also been reduced. Ships going slowly to use less fuel. The submarines owned by the Germans would not have been able to hit this ship, which won a blue ribbon if it did not continue its movement at normal speed. 

Lusitania Ship in Zeitgeist The Movie Documentary

According to the narration of the documentary, big investors were closely interested in the world war. War meant high profits for them. Especially for international bankers, profit and war are synonymous. During his meeting, the British foreign minister talked about how to include America in the war. For this purpose, the sinking of Lusitania was deemed appropriate in 1915.