

Lucca, which is considered one of the sea monsters, has been described in different ways. According to some recipes, it is a semi-shark lusca, and according to others, it is an octopus hybrid. According to some cryptozoologists, it is just a gigantic normal octopus. The most distinctive feature of this sea monster is its razor-sharp teeth. It also has tentacles with high suction power. According to some narratives, it has many heads. They gave the representation of the evil spirits to the lusca in ancient times. Some likened it to a dragon. It has even been claimed that it is a mixture of squid and eels, which are among the marine creatures.

Where Does The Lusca Monster Live?

Lusca is a very tall beast. It is said to be at least 75 feet (about 28 meters) in length. It is also possible that their height can reach up to 200 feet (approximately 60 meters). As with some small-sized octopus types, the color of the Tuscan may also change. Being among the sea monsters, lusca finds a habitat for itself in:

  • rugged underwater lands,

Large underwater caves,

  • Continental margins,
  • Areas with crustaceans.

Lusca's food source is considered to be crustaceans. For this reason, it is said that it is frequently seen on the coasts and in places where shellfish live.

Legends About Lusca

Legends for Lusca have been created by local peoples in various regions. These legends have survived until today by being spoken from language to language. Rob Morphy, who lives in Cryptopia, points to Lusca as the reason for the long-running war between fishermen and scuba diving.

According to some sources, the reason for the tides occurring in the interior is that Lusca breathes. This sea monster, which is in its lair and breathes, kills those who get too close to it and disturb it. So much so that there are people who say that there are people dragged into caves.

One of the various legends is that Lusca is responsible for the lost boats. The same is true for swimmers and divers who are missing. Because, according to legend, Lusca is afraid of noise. With the effect of fear, he destroys everything that disturbs him. When the dates were 2011, a giant octopus body was found and washed. Some think that this body belongs to Lusca.